Panther Pals Collaborate to Make GMS the Best Place to Be
The GMS Panther Pals met in early January. This program is a mentorship program between 6th and 8th
The GMS Panther Pals met in early January. This program is a mentorship program between 6th and 8th graders once a month. They meet to work on collaborative activities, give advice, and have discussions on how they can make GMS the best place to be.
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Eighth Graders Exploring Opportunities for Their Freshman Year
Our 8th graders and their parents were invited to Greendale High School December 12 in the evening
Our 8th graders and their parents were invited to Greendale High School December 12 in the evening for the 8th Grade Transition Night event, which included a presentation by administrators and counselors as well as a Co-Curricular Fair. During that portion, the Class of 2029 had a chance to learn about all the sports and activities available to them next year in high school.
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German Students Voting in International German Ad Competition
GMS and GHS German students are participating in the annual Wettbewerb der Weihnachtswerbung
GMS and GHS German students are participating in the annual Wettbewerb der Weihnachtswerbung (Competition of Christmas-themed ads). Over 35,000 German students from almost 500 schools in 39 states and 6 countries will watch 8 different advertisements from Germany and vote on their favorites between now and December 19. The bracket is posted in room 5 (GHS) and outside room 266 (GMS).
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Health Students Learn the Benefits of Yoga With Certified Instructor
With the financial assistance from the Greendale Public Health Department, Greendale Middle School
With the financial assistance from the Greendale Public Health Department, Greendale Middle School 8th grade Health classes were able to bring in a certified Yoga Instructor. The students grounded themselves in the experiences of basic Yoga as they learned about the life-long mental/emotional and physical benefits of the practice. Thanks again to the Greendale Public Health Department for providing this inspiring and health-building opportunity!
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7th Graders Take Part in Whitewater Orchestra Festival
Our Panther Middle School Musicians took part in the UW-Whitewater Middle School Orchestra Festival
Our Panther Middle School Musicians took part in the UW-Whitewater Middle School Orchestra Festival recently. Students participated in a strings clinic and worked with string faculty in group techniques classes with other youth musicians.
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Students Help Local Seniors at Clean & Green Event
Fourteen Greendale residents received help from 60 Greendale Middle School seventh grade students
Fourteen Greendale residents received help from 60 Greendale Middle School seventh grade students from Team Integrity during the fall Clean and Green event at the end of October. Students helped rake leaves, clear yards of sticks and debris, pull weeds, sweep, etc. This annual autumn “Clean and Green” effort is part of the GMS service-learning education. Thank you to the 10 parent/grandparent volunteers that drove the students. Both the residents and the students found this a productive and rewarding day.
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Cross Country Athletes Share Training Time
The middle school and high school Cross Country Teams had a combined practice in early October! The
The middle school and high school Cross Country Teams had a combined practice in early October! The GMS athletes appreciate the knowledge and motivation the high school athletes provided as the GMS Team prepared for their last meet of the year. Go Panthers!
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